Sunday, 12 October 2014

Week 3 - 6/10/14 - 12/10/14 UK games Industry

This week there was another group project set.

For this project, my team had to research the UK games industry, and its current status. Next week we must do a presentation on it.

I looked at some general information about the industry, and found out some interesting facts.

  • The UK games industry is the in Europe closely tied with germany, and the 5th biggest in the world
  • The most popular platforms for games development are smartphone and tablet
  • The industry is experiencing a growth of 22% more companies a year
  • Most studios are based in London
  • Majority of organizations are made up of 5 or less people
I found an informative PDF of the UK games industry with tons of data

I also had to find out about indie studios in the UK for our presentation.

I looked at 3 studios.

Facepunch studios

This studio was created by Garry Newman, who had success beforehand in creating the game Garrys mod, which was a mod for the source-engine. The game is very popular, and has been used by the community to create even more small mods which have had equal success.

He then went on to create Facepunch studios, and started on a game called Rust. The game is still in alpha phase and has generated over $46.5 million.

One thing I noticed about applying for a job on there website was that they don't look for specific roles, they are just interested in anyone who they think could be a valuable asset to there team. They seem more laid back than larger studios, but still hard working and passionate.

I also like how they do a weekly update of what they have been working on, as the players can give feedback each week and say what they don't/do like.

They listen to the community and even do a weekly community update too.

Website :

I think there a great example of a good indie studio, or just a good studio in general.

I hope to be able to work for a studio like this when I finish my course.

Introversion Software

Introversion software are quite an old indie studio.

It was formed in 2001 by three friends while at university, they worked on 3 games from there bedrooms before moving into an office for there forth game, Multiwinia. Multiwinia and there next game DEFCON, both did well and received good reviews.

While there first game, Uplink, did well on sales, they blew all there money and were on the edge of bankruptcy.

Luckily they were able to release there next game Darwinia, on steam in 2005. Because steam is the biggest digital game distibutor, there game was able to get the advertising it needed and the company was back on its feet.

But by 2010 the company went downhill again, as they had just ported Darwinia to the XBOX 360 and it didn't do well in sales. The directors nearly face prosecution under the UK's insolvency law.

But yet again steam saved the company by having there games put on sale and giving the company enough to carry on.

Currently they are working on a game called Prison architect, which is currently in alpha and has made over $11 million.

I think this is a perfect example of the highs and lows of being indie, and shows how hard it sometimes be if your game only sells averagely.

Hello Games

Formed by developers from studios such as criterion games and EA games, there first game was a action side scroller called Joe danger.
It was released on the play station store as a downloadable title, it sold well and revived positive reviews. The company went on to create more Joe danger games which had equal success, and the team received many indie awards.

Currently they are working on a game called No man's sky, which is a game for next gen consoles. It was shown at E3 2014, and it received a massive amount of praise.

Here is the presentation.