Sunday, 5 October 2014

Week 2 - 29/10/14 - 05/10/14 Good and Bad Portfolios

This week I had to do a group project where my team and I had to find some good and bad portfolios and present them to the rest of the class. We then had to explain why we thought they were good or bad.

We chose these 5 as examples of good portfolios

 This one is great because it shows all the work on the front page, with high quality large images without having to scroll down the page. Its just a really well laid out and as much space has been used as possible.
 This one is for a 3D character modeler for film and animation, and has a showreel as there front page. This works well with the type of media she creates models for, as people would want to see how the characters/models look when they are moving, not static. There is also a nicely laid out gallery of work on another page.
 This one is for an environment artist, and I think its good because its just large pictures of different environments and props, and when you click on them you are directed to another page with more and larger images.
 This one is another environment/prop artist, and its really well made because its just full of images of his work. He has a large image showcasing environments, and small thumbnails of prop work. Its mostly just a large list of work so you dont have to go through clicking tons of pages.
This one is for a character artist, and we chose this one because its neatly presented and is easy to navigate. There are small portrait renders of characters, which when clicked will take you to more images and a breakdown of how it was made. He also includes lots of different art styles in his work.

Here are the 5 bad portfolios
This one has no work displayed on the front page, it doesn't use half the screen, and the images of work are tiny. its not well presented and doesn't look very professional.

This is from is by quite an experienced artist, but it has a really ugly background which is an eyesore. Also, when you first come onto the page you dont see any work unless you scroll down. 1/3 of the page is also unused.

This one has no work on the front page, and its not that well laid out. It seems like it was made quickly, and has both 2D and 3D work, but the 2D is very poor compared to the 3D.

This one is just cluttered with small images, and there are so many links its confusing to navigate.There is so much variation in work its hard to tell what he really does.

This one wasn't too bad, but he has just titled himself "3D artist" which is really general and has a mixture of work displayed. I think its better to specialize on one subject for a portfolio. The banners for the work are quite small too.

Other groups showed there choices and we discussed what makes a good portfolio and what makes a bad one.

One thing I need to add to mine is my name and email at the bottom of every render. This is so people can find me if my image is found somewhere other than my portfolio.