Friday, 12 December 2014

Final Week - 08/12/14 - 14/12/14 - Final Presentation, Showreel and exit plan

This week I had to present my show reel, and exit plan to the group.

*Website link here for ease of access

Website link

Exit plan 

My plan is to keep creating both realistic and stylized environments, as I enjoy doing these and wouldn't mind getting a job doing either one. I may work on a small forest/jungle scene between this semester and the final one, as I want to get better at foliage, and organic modelling.

I did start to do some 2D/concept art every week before uni started, but I haven't had the time to do any because I wanted to focus on projects. So I want to do little bits of 2D/concept drawings over the winter holiday, as I think this well help me improve as an artist in general, and I like the idea of being able to draw my own concept and model an environment on my own work. Also being able to do 2D would benefit me because there are still tons of developers that use 2D for games, and this would also fit into doing something like UI work, which is just opening more roles to get into.

I would aim for something every week, like this gong concept I made. I'm doing them in Photoshop, and in black and white to first understand value better before I get into colors.

I'm also going to learn Unreal 4 blueprints, and try to make, or start on a simple game with my friend over the winter. I think working In a team can keep me motivated, and knowing blueprints could benefit me for game Dev next year, and even after the course.

I want to try and contact game companies before I finish the year, and try to secure a placement so I have somewhere to go. I wouldn't mind joining an indie or AAA studio. But I would prefer to be part of a smaller team.

My plan for after the year is to hopefully have a job. If this fails, I will continue to improve my skills until I can get one.

Whilst trying to find a job, If I don't get one immediately, I would also consider joining a modding team for a game, as I know many games which started as mods, and it would be a good thing to have on my portfolio, as it shows working in a team and creating models specifically optimized for a certain engine, It would also keep me motivated, which is something I find difficult when working alone with no deadlines.

Show reel

For my final show reel I had my advanced 3D environment first, then my FPS environment from last year, and finally a hand painted environment which was done last year for a monthly poly count challenge. I do also have a prop at the very end, but I am unsure whether to keep it or not, I need to finish texturing it first.

The plan is to have at least one realistic environment, one hand painted/ stylized environment, and the third environment can be either.

I think showing I can do a variety of artistic styles will improve my chances at getting a job, and its also something I just enjoy doing, as I find doing realistic scenes all the time boring. I may include breakdowns of models after the environments if they are good standalone pieces.

Final presentation

Example asset environment

This is how I would present a render of an environment. Nothing special about it, just my website, name of the environment, and the programs used.

Example Prop

This is how I would present a prop. A couple of different view points and a wire frame. I do need to change this and put my website instead of my name, as that includes my name anyway.

Website link