Sunday, 9 November 2014

Week 7 - 03/11/14 - 09/11/14 Feedback on my first showreel attempt and a look into

This week I got feedback on my progress as a whole, and changed my show reel based on my feedback.

Progress so far feedback

  • Made good start to blog
  • Has own portfolio website
  • Made a good start to show reel
  • Go beyond what we cover in class in the blog. Bring more of yourself into what you learn. Learn more about the games industry/ show reels/ portfolio creation. 
  • Add more to the show reel
Based on my feedback I need to add more environments to my show reel, and I think Im going to use my hand painted bar from the poly count monthly challenge, and my temple environment from the second year module.

I also need to get closer into the detail when showing my bell prop.