Sunday, 26 October 2014

Week 5 - 20/10/14 - 26/10/14 A Look at Showreels

This week I decided to look around for environment artist show reels, as next week I plan to do a block out for my own, and I can get an idea of how long my show reel should be, if I should show many props, and if I should show breakdowns of created assets.

Ive noticed that on previous portfolios that people don't tend to use show reels, or they are just not on the front page. So I will try to find out why this is too.

Brent Waller

I liked this one because it shows many different types and styles of environments. You can tell that he is very experienced as he shows over 6 environments and they all are of good quality. He has also put in some environments from films which is interesting. There is a lot of content but it is kept short. (1.35)

Chris Green

This is a good example, as its by a student who just finished university when he put it up, and I will be in a similar situation at the end of the course. He just includes a fly through of a few different environments. They are all quite a similar style, and there are no breakdowns, but from the comments on the video it seems to have got him a job anyway.

It is again, a short video (1.21).

Dave Nolan

This is another show reel from a student, it has lots of variety, and shows a few breakdowns and turntables. I think its another great example of a good show reel. Its a bit longer than the others (2.20)

So for my show reel, I want to keep it no longer than 3mins, I want to have a variety of environments to show I can do different themes, and I think I'm going to include some break downs of unique looking assets, like my fountain for my advanced 3d.
I'm going to include a bell prop I did too, but I'm unsure as to whether I should keep it, I will get some feed back on week 7, when we have our midterm reviews.

By looking around on 3D artist websites such as polycount, Ive found that the reason people don't usually use show reels is because stills of environments are seen as a better way for an employer to look at the fine details in your work.

User DWalker on polycount said,

"Keep in mind that, except for animators & f/x artists, the still images in your gallery are far more important than your demo reel. I know art schools still emphasize the demo reel, but it is far more important for prospective employers to study your work in detail at their leisure. Create a page for each project, and include both texture sheets and wireframes." (DWalker, 2014)

I'm still going to include a show reel, but I'm not going to display it on the front page.

DWalker 2014. About to graduate here's my demo reel!, Forum post, Polycount. Accessed - 23/10/14